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4 Reasons Why Solar Power Saves The Environment

Steffy Alen
4 Reasons Why Solar Power Saves The Environment

More and more households in Townsville are choosing to install solar panels on their homes because of the energy-saving they get from using these systems. Using power generated on your roof reduces energy usage and can save you thousands a year – this means you’ll be less reliant on the power grid.

Another significant role that solar power plays is with the environment; its sustainable option and green energy choice. So, installing solar panels in Townsville will not only save you on electricity bills but will help you contribute to a cleaner and safer planet.

Here are some of the benefits of installing solar panels and their advantages on the environment:

Less Water Usage

As you know, water is a valuable natural resource. Australia is known as one of the driest continents in the world. This means we’re at risk of losing all our freshwater in a year to come. Using traditional electricity uses thousands of litres of water every year – water used in generator cooling, processing and refiling fuel and delivering fuel through pipes all contribute to this. When power generated from solar panels will, however, uses absolutely no water!  Solar photovoltaic cells do not need water to generate electricity whatsoever, which reduces straining this precious resource. So, won’t I need water to clean my system, you may ask? Rainwater is all required to clean solar panels from grubbiness.

Cuts Down On Air Pollution

The quality of the air we inhale can help or hinder our health and safety. Fossil fuels, which generate our electricity, can produce harmful carbon dioxide as well as methane gases, gases that lower the quality of the air we take in every day. As you can expect, the consequences of inhaling poor quality air can lead to health risks such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, allergies, severe headaches, heart attacks as well as cancer. On the other hand, using the use to generate all the energy needs, we’re producing less and less harmful emission from burning fossil fuels into the air! Solar panels generate no harmful emissions, and the more residents and businesses in Townsville install solar power, the less toxic the community’s atmosphere will be.

Slows Down Climate Change

Carbon dioxide, methane gases and nitrous oxide released into the atmosphere contribute to air pollution as well as in enhancing greenhouse effects. Sure, the greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the Earth’s surface warm to a comfortable temperature, many of our activities like burning fossil fuels have rapidly increased over the years and further increased the greenhouse gases that affect our atmosphere. Due to this, the greenhouse effect is warming the Earth much faster than ever before. Over the past few years, the world has experienced many catastrophic weather events like cyclones, floods, storms and extreme heat and drought caused the greenhouse effect. When generating electricity from solar panels, there are no greenhouse gases produced, and this helps lower the effect of climate change, especially when widely used. Installations of solar panels in homes and businesses across Townsville is a wise move as we’ll be burning no fuel and there’ll be no emission from our energy production.

You’re Reducing Your Home’s Carbon Footprint

As you can already tell, solar energy is the cleanest source of energy we have. It’s an invaluable and effective way for homeowners to make a difference while creating an efficient and sustainable home. Solar panels installed in your home don’t need water to generate electricity, they have no harmful gases, and they are a great source of energy – which is free! Moving away from using grid power and switching to solar energy will reduce releasing carbon dioxide emitted energy from the grid. If you’re an energy user on the mainland of Australia, you stand a chance of offsetting approximately a tonne of carbon dioxide with every megawatt-hour of solar energy used. Using even the smallest solar panel system on your home, you can cut down your home’s carbon footprint and contribute to renewable energy-filled Townsville.

Reduces Our Need For Fossil Fuels

Did you know that if we were able to harness the energy from the sun’s rays on the planet for an hour, we’d be able to have enough energy to power the entire world for a whole year? Solar energy supplies are ample! A great thing about using solar panels is that all the sunshine used to produce energy is absolutely free, and there are tonnes of it! For the most part, fossil fuels are running out at a faster rate than ever before. When we stop relying on these finite resources and start leveraging on the abundant, free supply of energy from solar power, we’re on the right track of history. We’ll be reducing energy prices, greenhouse gas emissions and building a healthier and more stable energy generation!

There are many more benefits of installing solar panels for your home or business, and we’re happy to discuss them with you. At Bellingers Electrical Contracting, we’re the home of solar power and electrical services. We’re ready to help you cut down on monthly energy bills and live a cleaner and healthier life with solar power. Get in touch with us for solar panel installation in Townsville!

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